Monday, 16 April 2012

Opps, you arn't pregnant - sorry!

What was I thinking, I jumped in front of a woman on the footpath, stuck my arm out to block her progress and asked : "Hi, so are you pregnant or have you recently had a baby?"

Of course she looked embarrassed and said "yes I've had one", but her body language and expression told me that she hadn't had one RECENTLY.

Should I carry gym flyers with me too?

Promoting a course for pregnant women is not easy, I was so embarrassed that where my hand was holding Fox's hand went all wet and sweaty!

A doctors surgery tried to get me to book a medical appointment just to talk to a doctor?

A pharmacist told me she was trying to keep an open mind "but she didn't think many people in Berala would be interested in HypnoBirthing".

A physiotherapy place had lots of pulled blue curtains and goodness knows what was happening there! Fox felt an odd energy in the place too...

I chatted to a young Chinese couple at Auburn fruit shop, you certainly could not tell she was pregnant, I was only lucky enough to be near by when friends congratulated them and she pulled up her shirt to reveal maternity pants (covering a slight raised curve on her abdomen), they seemed very keen to attend :)

And so another day has passed! Tomorrow I do the library and council buildings route,

I might have called it 'Motivation Monday' (except that all of this happened in one hour and the rest of the time I was eating, TV watching and sleeping , lol)

Nat xo

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