Thursday, 22 March 2012

Channel 10 News stole my passion!!!

(now that I have sneakingly grabbed your attention, I can mention that this is tongue in cheek only!)

For 6 months I have focused on one single and humble passion :

"to ensure that all my local people;

1. Know about HypnoBirthing, and
2. Know it has some good value and is an option for their birth preparation"

Now, with one foul swoop, my passion has been stolen from me!

The news is out!

(you have watched the video clip this blog refers to? )

But does this leave me passionless and defeated?

NO I say! Now I realise my passion is to ensure that people continue to hear about it, again and again, until it becomes an even better understood option and an option that will be UTILISED!

But first, I really must debunk a myth from the news report... I really don't think it is very realistic to think that when HypnoBirthing women birth "they look like they are asleep", I would have to share my personal opinion on this one, I would have to say that -

They look like women BIRTHING!!!

(no big surprises there),

Good on you channel ten for stealing my passion AND for being typically unrealistic as all good media is :)

Accuracies in the article? Surprisingly quite a few! Women really do birth calm and relaxed for the most part, many women really do find birth can be surprisingly enjoyable and YES, men do really sit around on beanbags seemingly sleeping (well they are supposed to be 'visualising' - but their lives are pretty stressful looking after their pregnant partners so they sometimes take a nap!).

Thanks for reading my blog :)

Natalie Joy Meade

More info at:

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