Thursday, 29 August 2013

Electoral Vote? Federal vote?... decision making....I am clueless... (Lucky I know about HypnoBirthing!)

I saw a polling booth taking votes today

Being totally clueless about politics and voting I totally freaked out as my brain did a double take and tried to work out whether I had somehow confused the day I needed to vote!

I am pretty sure the federal election is on Saturday. Yes, I am sure.

Next thing I found myself trying to explain voting to my 5 yr old.

And I had to admit to him I have no idea who I want to vote for or anything about the various parties or policies.

To be honest, I think that all the parties are as good as each other. And they would all do a good job long term for the country IF they could stay IN long enough. So I tend to vote for whoever is in, stays in, give them a chance to get it right!

I had to admit to my son that my theory is only a good one due to a complete lack of knowledge.
It’s the old: “You don’t know what you don’t know”

It got me thinking…  many people would be quite disturbed at my approach to politics (you may be nodding right now)

And THAT got me thinking how many people approach birth with the same type of blind decision making.

And THAT got me thinking - how many people approach some other thing (such as circumcising a child or agreeing to a caesarean) with the same total lack of knowledge.

I am happy to admit I am blind and uneducated about my voting choice… (and I am happy to take recommendations for who to vote for! Please leave a comment below and HELP me).

Are YOU willing to admit an area of life where you are blind? Will you spend some time changing that blind spot?

Will you take action to seek advice as I just have?

Best wishes, Natalie
0406 934 645

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Want to train as a Hypnobirthing Practitioner? Here's how...

Being a birth educator is a fulfilling and fun career. 

With HypnoBirthing growing in popularity - the demand for practitioners is rising!

Where will you train and with who?

It's important to note that there is only one training group in all of Australia for 'HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method'. 

The faculty is run by Anthea Thomas and Rona Spicer, and their tours cover all of Australia,

You can click here for upcoming workshops:

Please be aware as you are making an informed training decision that there are other providers calling themselves hypnobirthing and it is certainly a compliment to Marie Mongan's program that others are basing programs around her style, philosophy and materials. 

Such groups may emphasize such things as their australian accent soundtracks. Rest assured, The Mongan Program also has recordings in an Australian accent (if that option is important to your clients).

The Mongan Textbook has been so successful worldwide that it is also available in a wide variety of languages.

If you choose to train with the original Mongan Method:

1. Here they are at  facebook:

2. Look for the "Mongan Method Gold Seal" 

Can be seen here:

3. Ask the association you are considering training with: "Are affiliated with the HypnoBirthing Institute ?" 

4. Check how long the association has been established (the Mongan Method has been spreading the word and success of HypnoBirthing around the world to 32 different countries since the 1980's!)

Best wishes, 

Natalie Joy Meade.

0406 934 645

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The Channel 10 Offspring Birth: not unlike a HypnoBirthing experience

The Offspring Birth was awesome - it was like she had prepared with HypnoBirthing tips and skills!

Whether or not you're an Offspring fan, you'd know that tv and movie births are generally unrealistic, right? They're usually full of panting and screaming, panic and chaos, and almost always involve extremely short, rushed labours. In many ways the most recent tv birth - on Ten's Offspring - was no different.

But perhaps tv births aren't as unreal as they seem? With HypnoBirthing it's entirely possible to have a fast labour, free of interventions - just like Nina experienced in Offspring.

Do you believe birth takes a long time? Or needs medical interventions? Sometimes both of these are true - but in MOST uncomplicated cases, babies can really be born with a few large body pushes and the woman breathing her energy downwards - just like you sometimes see on tv! 

So, what are some of the factors which may have contributed to the short, complication-free labour experienced by Nina on Offspring?

Firstly, we see on the show that Nina has done some relaxation techniques with a counselor.... Knowing relaxation techniques and practising them regularly during pregnancy is perfect preparation for birth.

Secondly, Nina believes in her ability to birth naturally. In an earlier episode Nina rejects an obstetrician who doesn't support her beliefs in this area... Trusting your body knows what to do is an important element of preparing for a positive birth. 

Thirdly - when Nina is birthing she is in the company of a loving, supportive and trusting person (her sister), in an environment where she feels safe and loved (the hospital where she works, among her dearest friends)... Having a safe, comfortable 'birthing space' is an important part of feeling relaxed during labour, and being able to enter the 'zone' where you can eliminate distraction and negativity.

I have had a few of my clients suddenly have their babies at their homes, cars and in corridors of hospitals... It doesn't just happen on tv.

My clients used "HypnoBirthing the Mongan Method" to achieve their relaxed and smooth births... What will you do to prepare for your next baby?

Natalie :)

0406 934 645