Friday, 24 February 2012

All places full!

Well it took a bit of hard work (8 weeks of panic, stress and exhaustion - not to mention being verbally abused (and nearly physically assaulted) for flyer dropping on a car owned by a mad woman),

But all the hard work has paid off,

My Auburn Course is full :)

I also have approval (by enthusiastic invitation) to continue providing HypnoBirthing as a council course in Auburn LGA for the entire year :)

Thank you to all my wonderful support team xox

Monday, 20 February 2012

My first mum birthed a baby!

"Hi Natalie

After a beautiful, gentle and completely natural water birth we welcomed baby -------  into the world in the wee hours of Wed morning. 

The most valuable thing I took from your course was a sense of empowerment and a trust in my body that it was prepared and knew exactly what to do.  Because of this I had the birth that I wanted and I birthed in a way that I was comfortable with.  I was able to gently push/breath -------  out in an active birthing position (squatting) when my body was ready and 'caught' him myself.  I had only a tiny internal graze that required no stitches and was able to bond with my baby straight away.

Thank you Natalie and best wishes to ------- and ------- on your birth journeys.


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Awareness in the womb - from the 'mouth of babes'

Just finished driving Fox to Todds' place,

During the drive his grandma rang to say she wanted to go shopping with him. When I asked him about it he said he was tired, I suggested he consider agreeing with Grandma because she always does such nice things for him and it could be his chance to show appreciation.

Natalie: "I know you love your grandma alot"

Fox: "How do you know that?"

Natalie: "is it true?"

Fox: "No"

Natalie: "how much do you love your grandma then?"

Fox: "a little"

Natalie: "how much do you love your dad?"

Fox "A lot, because we are both boys and I have known him my whole life"

Natalie "Yes, that's true!, he was there the first day, the day you were born!"

Fox: "No, I have known him my WHOLE LIFE! I have known him when I was growing in your stomach".

I am a HypnoBirthing practitioner, as part of the program I teach pre-natal bonding between parents and the growing child...Yet, even I still consider Fox's life began on his birthday!

That's a worry!

Nat xo

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

positive feedback :)

It might be a small client base , but it's a happy one!

My neighbour and her husband took me out to Korean to thank me :)

One of my Newington group spent all week raving about HypnoBirthing to her circles,

and another Newington group member thought I presented very well and didn't notice my jitters :)

Further, I  just had a lovely session with a new Lifeline TC who still remembered a roleplay I did 6
months ago!

Tomorrow I visit my business coach who is going to hopefully give me enough structure to earn
enough money to get my car serviced and buy my son a proper bed! (goodness knows I have no
idea what I am doing! lol)

I look forward to seeing my city client/friend and her beautiful growing child tomorrow lunch time :)

nat xo

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Swinging pendants and talk of poo

The mums and their support people had a lot of fun today using their "super powers" to swing pendants left and right, and round and round, while they consciously focused on holding their arms and hands perfectly still.

My six weeks of promoting the course (like a crazy person) let to one single Lidcome resisdent whom read about it in the local Auburn Review and two other mums through a connection at Ryde Midwifery care group - I am sooo glad I rushed out to Ryde hospital wednesday morning in the pouring rain - I am so glad I chose to risk running late for a client lunch...  I am so glad I ran a long distance in the rain to the point where I got a blister...

I love you blister!

I love you midwives at Ryde Hospital !

and one final thought of the day -

How on earth did my #HypnoBirthing class end up with  me discussing personal poo stage fright experiences?

oh well, here's to 'keeping it real'.

nat :)