Monday, 30 January 2012

Conversations with pregnant women...

I spoke to a very fit and beautiful Russian woman yesterday,

She told me that she had really wanted a natural birth, but at 42 weeks they insisted they have a Cesarean. Her next baby she also waited until 42 weeks and again was forced to have surgery.

This time she is pre-booked already.

She said, " back home is Russia they just leave the woman be and let her take as long as her body takes, I am very sad, I really, really wanted a natural birth".

She mentioned no measurement of amniotic fluid that was medically indicating that the child needed to be born or any other indication of ill health for mother or baby.

The phrase came to my mind late that day "question Cesarean".

I wonder how often we do?


guessing if women are pregnant?

Dear Friends and Family,

Is it easy to promote a new thing (HypnoBirthing) to a new bunch of people (mainly immigrants) whom are growing new life (babies)???

Actually, I am finding it quite exhausting and challenging!

Being in a multicultural area has been really good and lovely, many people seem very open to new ideas (I guess you'd have to be after leaving your home country and struggling to learn a whole new country).

But physically reaching tens of thousands of people and identifying pregnant women? now that's been hard!

I  just spent 2 hours folding flyer's this morning, I distributed them to a couple of blocks of mailboxes and then they were all GONE!

Folding takes 2 hours, printing costs goodness knows how much - distribution takes 8 minutes?!

And now still remaining ...  at least 20 thousands streets that did NOT hear about HypnoBirthing!!

My goal : To promote a heavily discounted HypnoBirthing council program to 8 major suburbs of Sydney.

Equipment: Natalie

After fours weeks of promoting I have drummed up only one single booking for a course starting THIS Saturday (Newington community Centre), and four bookings for the Auburn course in 6 weeks.

The other day I was sure I had identified the tell tale bump on a pregnant woman, only on closer analysis I actually identified it as a buttocks - side on.

On Sunday Fox and I headed down to the wharf area near the Parramatta River. I was pushing Fox on his go cart and saw a pregnant women coming the other way, I got really excited and said "oh good, look there is a pregnant woman I can talk to". Sadly at that exact moment Fox got his ankle jammed under a wheel and basically ran over his own foot. Of course he cried loudly and I stopped to free him. We caused such a drama I decided not to promote my practitioner skills to the pregnant woman - she may well doubt my competency!

(Fox later explained that he had put his foot down to deliberately stop the car so that I could speak to the woman. Now my son is sacrificing his left leg in a bid to help me get course bookings?)

Equipment: Natalie + a 3 yr old

I did find one pregnant woman and spoke to her near the play area, she has her Cesarean already booked.

Finally we posted a few articles on boards (without permission) and luckily the ranger did not seem to notice.

I walked past him and saw he was busy booking a car illegally parked in a disabled spot.

Nat :)